User Guide
Parameter Description / Publication Settings
De#nes the width of the side windows (in pixels)
Zoom by Mouse
Allows to choose between the different zooming types (single click or double click zooming).
Zoom PageWidth
De#nes the maximum width of the enlarged page (in pixels)
Zoom to Fit
The enlarged pages are scaled to #t the window. This option should be turned off if you need a higher zoom.
Style Settings
This group includes the customization parameters for the design of the publication (the background color, icons, text captions, etc.).
Parameter Description / Style Settings
Color of the text captions of the buttons
Button Text Color
Button Text Shadow Color
Shadow color of the text captions of the buttons
Header Text Color
Text color of all window headers in the publication
Header Text Shadow Color
Text shadow color of all window headers in the publication
Icon Color
Color for the user interface icons
Icon Shadow Color
Shadow color for the user interface icons
Inner Background
The background image to be displayed inside the publication’s window, under the book.
Inner Background Placement
Placement of the inner background image
Link Rollover Color
Speci#es the link rollover hotspot area color.
Outer Background
The background image to be displayed outside the publication’s window
Made with FlippingBook