User Guide

Parameter Description / Style Settings

Outer Background Color

The background color that appears behind the outer background image.

Outer Background Placement

Placement of the outer background image

Page Selection Color

Speci#es the page selection frame color in the Thumbnails window.

Search Highlight Color

Color, which will be used to highlight the words found on the pages of the publication

Skin Color

Allows changing the base color of the windows, toolbars and buttons

Subheader Text Color

Text color of all window subheaders in the publication

Subheader Text Shadow Color

Text shadow color of all window subheaders in the publication

Text Color

Color of the common text

Text Shadow Color

Shadow color of the common text

Page Flipping Settings

This group contains parameters that govern the %ipping effect.

Parameter Description / Page Flipping Settings

Determines the corner of the page to be automatically %ipped

Flip Corner Position


Enables the hardcover of the book

Hardcover Thickness

Determines the thickness of the hardcover that is viewable during the %ipping

Manual Dragging

Enables manual pages dragging using the mouse

Page Flipping Speed

Determines the page %ipping speed for soft pages



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