User Guide
Parameter Description / Publication Components
Displays the Zoom Button in the bottom menu
Zoom Button
Publication Settings
This group contains parameters that govern the behavior of the publication; they are used much less frequently than the parameters listed on the Main Settings panel.
Parameter Description / Publication Settings
Caption of the Copyright Button on the top panel
Copyright Button Text
Copyright Button URL
URL of the Copyright Button on the top panel
Copyright Button Target
De#nes the _target attribute for the link of “Copyright” button.
CustomTotal Pages
Speci#es the total pages number text in the pagination block.
Exact Match Search
Displays only exact matches in the search results
First Page Number
Starts page numbering from this page.
Flip Corner
Enables the automated %ipping of the corner of the page
Google Analytics UA Number
UA number of your web resource within the Google Analytics system
MouseWheel Zooming
Enables the mouse wheel zooming of the publication
Page Link Target
De#nes the _target attribute for the links within the publication.
Restore Session
The publication will be opened on the last visited page
Search Characters Limit
Speci#es the minimum length of the text search query.
SideWindow Position
Determines the position of the side windows (to the left or to the right of the window)
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