Freeman Courier / May 9, 2011 / page 6
Extension offers tree, horticulture services
In the kitchen with Dawn Walz A cook’s best friend Dawn Walz admits she wasn’t al- ways much of a cook.
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South Dakota. The training consists of more than 60 hours of class work provided by SDSU Extension special- ists and focused on basic botany, in- sects and diseases, plant propagation, pruning, fertilizing, plant selection and other aspects of growing fruit, vegetables and landscape plants. Program participants are required to volunteer 50 hours before being certified as a Master Gardener. Since its beginning in 1984, more than 1,300 South Dakotans have graduated from the program — clocking more than 87,000 volunteer hours. “Master Gardener volunteers are a key element in providing horticulture information to South Dakotans,” said Rhoda Burrows, SDSU Extension Horticulture Specialist and Master Gardener coordinator. “Master Gar- deners are a very enthusiastic and dedicated set of volunteers who ben- efit from having training similar to a university-level horticulture course, and are excited to share that knowl- edge with others.” To learn more about Master Gar- deners, or to find answers to horticul- ture and tree questions, visit iGrow. org/gardens/gardening or call An- swerLine at 1-888-393-6336. Garden Line archives available soon For nearly 30 years, SDPB’s Gar- den Line was South Dakota’s source for lawn and garden advice. Produced by the South Dakota State University Cooperative Extension Service, Gar- den Line featured extension educators and specialists in horticulture, ento- mology, soil science, weed manage- ment, forestry, wildlife and related disciplines. Budget cuts in 2011 led to the cancellation of new Garden Line programs, but programs from previ- ous years have been archived and starting in May will be available on SDPB 3, the Create Channel. “While budget cuts forced us to stop production of Garden Line , the archived programs still allow viewers to access information from previous programs. In many cases, the garden- ing problems that were featured in one year often repeat in subsequent years,” Nold said. “The Garden Line archives will continue to be a rich source of horticultural information for viewers.” South Dakota Public Broadcast- ing and SDSU Extension continue to serve gardeners with programs like The Victory Garden, Prairie Yard and Garden, P. Allen Smith and Gar- denSmart.
This growing season, SDSU Exten- sion offers a unique lineup of services and resources to South Dakotans looking for answers to their horticul- ture and tree questions, says Rosie Nold, ag & natural resources program director. “We’re opening up a new world of information to South Dakotans; ex- posing them to resources they may not have thought of utilizing before,” said Nold, of the many online resources available on iGrow.org, SDSU Exten- sion’s online teaching platform which provides 24/7 access to SDSU Exten- sion information and resources, and AnswerLine a toll-free connection to extension staff dedicated to finding answers and directing consumers to research-based resources. iGrow also features an “Ask an Ex- pert” section where questions can be submitted and receive a response in most cases within 48 hours from local and regional horticulture experts. Connecting consumers with re- search-based information from ex- tension and Land Grant University staff across the U.S.; these resources not only help consumers find answers to their specific questions but also broadens their exposure to research- based information they may use this growing season and into the future, explains Nold. Complementing the available in- formation are the diagnostic services provided by the SDSU Plant Diagnos- tic Lab, which accepts many different types of samples for disease, insect and other problem diagnoses. “SDSU Extension is focused on providing resources and research- based information for life-long learn- ing,” Nold said. “Before, many South Dakotans relied solely on their local extension staff for answers. Through iGrow and AnswerLine, we’re maxi- mizing the information that is avail- able to them. We are providing re- sources and introducing them to more in-depth information than one indi- vidual can offer.” Master Gardeners: Local experts & volunteers Along with online resources found at iGrow.org, or phone consultations available through AnswerLine, SDSU Extension continues to provide one- on-one, hands-on training through workshops and the Master Gardener program. Each year, the SDSU Extension Master Gardener program trains vol- unteers to serve in providing horti- cultural information to the citizens of
Dawn says it works well because it cooks the dish evenly, quickly, and it’s a breeze to clean a erward. e real reward, though, is the quality of the food, and that includes this recipe that ranks among the best-loved in the Walz household — Corned Beef Chicken and Rice Bake.
hot and cold dishes alike. “I love my bean pots; they’re a sta- ple of my kitchen,” says Dawn. “With them, the possibilities are endless.” While a bean pot is certainly not essential to making the delicious Corned Beef Chicken and Rice Bake (a 9x13 casserole may also be used),
Dawn into the world of cooking. “As a wife and new mother I felt a responsibility to feed my growing family,” says Dawn, who is an estab- lished leader and senior national ex- ecutive with Celebrating Home. “I love this recipe because it’s easy and a complete meal in one.” Dawn makes Corned Beef Chicken and Rice Bake in her bean pot, one of the signature kitchen items avail- able through Celebrating Home. Bean pots are oven, microwave, freezer and dishwasher safe and can be used for
“Just ask my family,” says Dawn, who has been married to Darren for 13 years and is the mother of Dustin, Katelyn and Andrea, triplets who turn 10 in August. “I can live on ramen noodles.” is isn’t a recipe for ramen noo- dles. Rather, it’s one for Corned Beef Chicken and Rice Bake, which was shared with Dawn by her mother-in- law years ago and helped shepherd
Dawn Walz is
pictured with her bean pot, a staple in her kitchen and what she uses to make her Corned Beef
16 oz. sour cream 2 cans cream of chicken soup Salt and pepper to taste
4 or 5 chicken breasts, thawed 2 pkgs. corned beef 2 c. Minute Rice ¼ c. water
Combine the sour cream, cream of chicken, water and salt and pepper in the baking dish of your choice. Stir in the minute rice. Cut the chicken breasts in ½-inch strips and wrap two slices of the corned beef around the chicken chunks and lay them on top of the rice and sauce mixture. Bake at 375 degrees for 3 to 3 ½ hours. Recipe by Dawn Walz • Freeman Courier , May 9, 2012
Chicken and Rice Bake, a family favorite. Find ingredients for Corned Beef Chicken & Rice at Freeman Shopping Center Highway 81 - Freeman - Mon.-Sat.: 7 a.m. - 9 p.m., Sun.: 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.
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Mother’s Day Buffet Mother’s Day Is Sunday, May 13 Take mom out for Sunday brunch buffet featuring: Shrimp, Chicken, Ham, Dessert & More! Reservations are strongly encouraged due to limited seating. Buffet hours are 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Hwy 81 South, Freeman 605-925-4496 Open Mon.-Sat. 10:30 am - 12 am • Sunday 10:30 am - 11 pm We Wish All Of The Mom’s A Happy Mother’s Day at Dave’s Grille May 12-13 Mory Ortman & Co. Dinner Saturday Evening, May 12 M&M Weekend P Vote June 5 J.E. “Jim” Putnam Candidate for State House NEW District 19 Bon Homme (except for Avon and Springfield) Douglas • Hanson • Hutchinson • McCook Your vote will be appreciated! Paid for by J.E. “Jim” Putnam for House, Box 490, Armour, SD 57313. M ory o rtMan & C o . M artha B artz - J ohn D ooley - S hannon K eSSler “Porter to Puccini’ Saturday, May 12 7:30 p.m. PIONEER HALL On the campus of Freeman Academy FREEMAN, S.D. Tickets Available As Season If you’re planning to attend Saturday evening’s Studio Subscription Series concert at Pioneer Hall featuring Mory Ortman & Co. presenting “Porter to Puccini”, start out with dinner at Dave’s. Show up by 5:30 and we’ll make sure you have plenty of time to enjoy your meal and get to the show on time. A free dessert to those couples/families who are heading to the concert. Make it an evening of great food and great music; please call 925-4929 to make your reservation. Mother’s Day Brunch Sunday Noon, May 13 Mother’s Day Brunch Menu Bourbon Glazed Meatballs • Chicken Primavera Penne Korean Barbecue Pork Loins • Lemon Pepper Pike Mashed Potatoes • Steamed Vegetables Smoked Sausage • Biscuits & Gravy Mixed Greens & Dressings • Strawberry Spinach Salad Cucumber Peppercorn Pasta Salad • Fresh Fruit Caramel Rolls • Assorted Desserts Ticketholders And At The Door Per Event: $12-adult; $6-student (K-12) All tickets include the performance and a dessert reception THIS PERFORMANCE IS PRESENTED WITH SUPPORT FROM THE FOLLOWING: A Friend of FA • Freeman Courier Freeman Regional Health Services Freeman Shopping Center • Mannes Floral Marlo & Mavis Ortman • Merchants State Bank Popplers Music, Inc. • Rural Mfg. Co., Inc. Steel Sales & Construction, Ray & Joyce Hofer For More Information, Call Freeman Academy - Amy Hofer Vetch, 605-925-4237 PROGRAMS CELEBRATING THE ARTS - 2011-2012 SEASON SPONSORED BY FREEMAN ACADEMY Seatings at 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. CALL FOR RESERVATIONS: 925-4929 IT’S AN
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