Freeman Courier / May 9, 2012 / page 3
Freeman students excel at local vocal, instrumental contest
Freeman Academy Twenty-two Freeman Academy students participated in the second annual Freeman Public School El- ementary Solo and Ensemble Contest on Friday, May 4 at Freeman Elemen- tary. Freeman Academy took 57 events including 21 vocal solos, 6 vocal en- sembles, 22 instrumental solos, and 8 instrumental ensembles. Results in- cluded 56 superiors and one excellent. Vocal solos receiving superior rat- ings were: Ryan Haggerty, 8 th ; Ian Hofer, 8 th ; Jorge Sánchez, 8 th ; Polly Carlson, 8 th ; Emma Littel-Jensen, 8 th ; Bethany Wollman, 8 th (I+), Sarah Miller, 8 th (I+); Hannah Yoder, 8 th ; Derian Voigt, 7 th ; Steven Sánchez, 7 th ; Jesse Balzer, 7 th (I+); Stephen Walt- ner, 6 th (I+); Tristan Kellar, 6 th ; Ryan Brockmueller, 6 th ; Lindsay Thomas, 6 th ; Annie Carlson, 6 th (I+); Kaitlyn Epp, 5 th ; Andrea Wollman, 5 th , (I+); Jaden Thomas, 5 th ; Jackson Waltner, 5 th . Receiving an excellent solo rating was Marissa Hofer, 7 th (II+). Vocal ensembles receiving superior ratings were: 7-8 th grade ensembles: 7-8 th girls ensemble (I+) (Polly Carl- son, Emma Littel-Jensen, Sarah Mill- er, Bethany Wollman, Hannah Yoder, Marissa Hofer); 7-8 th boys ensemble (I+) (Ryan Haggerty, Ian Hofer, Jorge Sánchez, Jesse Balzer, Steven Sán- chez, Derian Voigt); 7-8 th grade mixed ensemble (I+) (Polly Carlson, Ryan Haggerty, Ian Hofer, Emma Littel- Jensen, Sarah Miller, Jorge Sánchez, Bethany Wollman, Hannah Yoder, Jesse Balzer, Derian Voigt). 5-6 th grade ensembles: 5-6 th mixed (I+) (Ryan Brockmueller, Annie Carl- son, Tristan Kellar, Lindsay Thomas, Stephen Waltner, Kaitlyn Epp, Jaden Thomas, Jackson Waltner, Andrea Wollman); 5-6 th girls ensemble (An- nie Carlson, Lindsay Thomas, Kaitlyn Epp, Andrea Wollman); 5-6 th boys en- semble (Ryan Brockmueller, Tristan Kellar, Stephen Waltner, Jaden Thom- Freeman Public Approximately 55 students from Freeman Public, grades 5-8, partici- pated in the second annual Freeman Public School Elementary Solo and Ensemble Contest on Friday, May 4. Out of 80 entries, students from Freeman Public earned 72 superiors and 8 excellents. Fifth-grade soloists earning a supe- rior rating were: Rachel Petts, alto sax and voice (I+); Dausyn Pravecek, ten- or sax (I+) and voice; Kaylee Auch, trumpet and voice; Sarah Wipf, flute (I+) and voice; Hannah Eberts, oboe; Shay Saarie, voice (I+), mallet and snare; Morgan Dannenbring, voice and clarinet; and Shannon Helma, trombone. Sixth-grade soloists earning a supe- rior rating were: Bryce Dannenbring, alto sax; Hannah Smith, clarinet; Ash- ley Glanzer, trumpet; Tracy Ander- sen, flute; Charles Harbarts, baritone; Karlie Maske, voice; Emily Kirschen- man, voice; Brennan Haggerty, bari- tone; Brayden Edwards, voice, mallet and snare; Ashley Watson, voice. Seventh-grade soloists earning a superior rating were: Noah Hofer, voice; Preston Gall, voice; Chris Petts, voice (I+) and trumpet; Jalen Kaufman, tuba; Karen Schamber, voice; Samantha Schrag, flute; Bai- ley York, voice; Lacey Wipf, voice (I+) and horn; Natalie Goosen, alto sax; Matthew Beynon, alto sax; Erika Sage- timpani and mallet; and Levi Waldhauser, snare. Eighth-grade soloists earning a
as, Jackson Waltner). Instrumental solos receiving supe- rior ratings were: Polly Carlson, 8 th flute (I+); Hannah Yoder, 8 th oboe; Sarah Miller, 8 th clarinet (I+); Lindsay Thomas, 6 th clarinet; Kaitlyn Epp, 5 th clarinet; Tristan Kellar, 6 th saxophone (I+); Andrea Wollman, 5 th saxophone; Ian Hofer, 8 th trumpet; Stephen Walt- ner, 6 th trumpet (I+); Jackson Waltner, 5 th trumpet; Jesse Balzer, 7 th French horn (I+); Annie Carlson, 6 th French horn (I+); Ryan Haggerty, 8 th trom- bone (I+); Bethany Wollman, 8 th trombone (I+); Emma Littel-Jensen, 8 th trombone; Ryan Brockmueller, 6 th trombone; Marissa Hofer, 7 th bari- tone; Jaden Thomas, 5 th baritone; Jef- frey Graber, 8 th snare drum (I+) and xylophone (I+); Derian Voigt, 7 th snare drum; private student, Meredith Graber, 5 th flute. Instrumental ensembles receiving superior ratings were: 7 th & 8 th ensem- bles: woodwind trio (I+) (Polly Carl- son, Hannah Yoder, Sarah Miller); brass quartet (Ian Hofer, Jesse Balzer, Emma Littel-Jensen, Marissa Hofer); trombone duet (I+) (Ryan Hagger- ty, Bethany Wollman); percussion duet (Jeffrey Graber, Derian Voigt). 5th and 6 th ensembles: clarinet duet (Lindsay Thomas, Kaitlyn Epp); sax- ophone duet (Tristan Kellar, Andrea Wollman); brass trio (Stephen Walt- ner, Jackson Waltner, Annie Carlson); low brass duet (Ryan Brockmueller, Jaden Thomas). Students study with Freeman Academy directors Amy Hofer Vetch (vocal) and Donna Ries (instrumen- tal). Other private instructors include Mike Benton, Dan Graber, Nicolle Hofer Timmerman and Sonja Walt- ner. Accompanists included Amy Hofer Vetch, Donna Ries, Dan Gra- ber, Sonja Waltner, Deb Schmeichel, Janet Balzer, Heather Haggerty and students Ryan Haggerty and Annie Carlson. superior rating were: Dillon Starner, bassoon (I+), bass clarinet and voice; Kayla Rollag, clarinet; Christa Pe- terson, flute; Taylor Johnson, voice; Katie Goossen, trombone; Carlie Muchmore, voice (I+); Jordan Hauck, voice; Tanner Rupp, voice and bari- tone; Rebecca Eberts, voice and trum- pet; Kaitlyn Mehlhaf, voice and trum- pet; and Ashley Skinner, alto sax. Sixth-grade soloists earning an ex- cellent rating were: Bryce Dannen- bring, voice; Karli Maske, trombone solo. Seventh-grade soloists earning an excellent rating were: Jalen Kaufman, voice; Xavier Ward, tenor sax; Nata- sha Hofer, clarinet; and Erika Sage, voice. Fifth and sixth grade ensembles earning a superior rating were: fifth woodwind trio; sixth trumpet duet; sixth baritone duet; sixth flute duet- (I+); fifth sax trio; fifth and sixth boys ensemble; and fifth and sixth mixed ensemble (I+). Seventh and eighth grade ensem- bles earning a superior rating were: seventh and eighth mixed ensemble; seventh and eighth woodwind choir; seventh grade girls ensemble; seventh and eighth brass sextet; eighth girls ensemble (I+); eighth boys ensemble (I+); and seventh and eighth percus- sion trio. Ensembles earning an excellent rat- ing were: fifth and sixth girls ensem- ble and seventh grade boys ensemble.
This was the scene a half-mile north of Freeman shortly after firefighters and EMTs arrived around 5:45 p.m. Sunday. The driver of the Buick LeSabre, Craig Bland, pictured, was transported to Freeman Medical Center. His pas-
senger, Natalie Dykstra, was extracted from the rear seat of the vehicle be- fore being taken by ambulance to Freeman Medical Center and, finally, by air to Sioux Falls. PHOTOS BY JEREMY WALTNER
First responders called to rollover; driver charged with DUI by Jeremy Waltner
a shirt when rescue units arrived on scene. He had large cuts on his face and a large scrape across his back; he was transported to Freeman Medical Center by ambulance shortly after first-responders arrived. The passenger, Natalie Dykstra, also of Freeman, was trapped in the back seat of the vehicle, which is where firefighters and EMTs focused their attention. “We tried to do as much as we could with as little discomfort as possible,” said Freeman Fire Chief Blaine Saa- rie, who said rescue personnel took its time because of possible spinal injury. “The victim was in pain,” said Saa- rie. Dykstra was removed from the ve- hicle and loaded into the ambulance at 6:10 p.m. — 30 minutes after the call first came in. Saarie said he was very pleased with both the number of firefighters who responded — 18 — and their work on the scene. Those efforts in- cluded disabling the car’s battery, securing the area and executing a dif- ficult extraction. “The guys did a great job” said Saarie. “I was very happy with their The cast of the FACC production, in order of appearance, includes: Herald......................Jonathan Olthoff Stepmother ...................Polly Carlson Joy .........................Bethany Wollman Portia .........................Kaitlyn Melhaf Cinderella...................... Sarah Miller Queen ..............................Lacey Wipf King........................... Ryan Haggerty Chef............................ Jeffrey Graber Prince ..........................Jorge Sanchez Godmother ..................Hannah Yoder The members of the Freeman Area Children’s Choir will comprise the chorus of townspeople. The show is directed by Kris Carl- son, artistic, Mavis Ortman, music, and Marnette Ortman and Sonja Walt- ner, assistant directors, and will be ac- companied by Barb Yoder. The public is cordially invited to enjoy this production, and to enjoy some dessert following the show. Tickets will be available at the door. Freeman Academy Spring Concert to be held May 10 The Freeman Academy Music De- partment will hold its spring concert on Thursday, May 10 at 7:30 p.m. in Pioneer Hall. The High School Vocal Department and full band (7-12) will present a variety of music. The per- cussion ensemble and low brass quar- tet will also perform. Music awards will be presented during the evening. Freeman Academy music recital planned May 14 The Freeman Academy Creative Arts Program will be hosting a music recital on Monday, May 14 at 7 p.m. The recital will take place in the in- strumental room in Sterling Hall. Private instructors who teach strings, woodwind, brass, piano or voice have encouraged their students to participate. The public is welcome to attend.
An alleged drunk driver crashed his car near Freeman late Sunday after- noon, May 6, and his passenger was airlifted to a Sioux Falls hospital after being transported by ground to Free- man Medical Center. Hutchinson County Sheriff Jim Zeeb said Freeman resident Craig Bland was northbound on 438th Ave. — the gravel road that runs north of the Verizon cell tower — when he lost control of his vehicle. “A witness said they saw him fish- tailing; he never slowed down and lost control,” said Zeeb, who estimat- ed Bland’s age in the mid 20s. The car, a late 1990s model Buick LeSabre, entered the west ditch on the passenger’s side and rolled once, coming to rest west of the west ditch about a half-mile north of the North County Road, Zeeb said. Freeman’s ambulance, fire and police departments all responded to the call around 5:40 p.m. Hutchinson County Sheriff Deputy Jack Fitzler arrived on the scene around 6 p.m. Bland, who Zeeb says was arrested and charged with DUI, was out of the vehicle and walking around without The Freeman Area Children’s Choir will present its annual spring dessert theater Friday, June 1, at 7:30 p.m. in Pioneer Hall, located on the Freeman Academy campus. This year’s musical is Rodgers & Ham- merstein’s Cinderella . First seen as a television spectacu- lar in 1957, and remade for television in 1965 and 1997, Rodgers & Ham- merstein’s Cinderella spins its own version of the traditional story, wo- ven through with such beloved songs as “In My Own Little Corner,” “Ten Minutes Ago” and “Impossible.” 2012 will mark the third time this beloved fairytale takes the stage in Pioneer Hall. Rodgers & Hammer- stein’s Cinderella was first produced by the Freeman Area Children’s Choir in 1999, and was the musical produc- tion for Schmeckfest 2006. A revival of Cinderella is opening on Broadway for the 2013 season. Senior Citizen Center news Thursday, May 10: bingo will be played, 1:30 p.m. Monday, May 14: mixed choir practice, 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 16: noon potluck, A to K bring a hot dish, L to Z a salad or dessert. Monday, May 21: Game day, 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 29: mixed choir practice, 1 p.m.; note change of day and time. Wednesday, May 30: monthly birthday party, 1:30 p.m., celebrat- ing all May birthdays with cake and ice cream. Norman Hofer will present a talk and PowerPoint presentation “The Life and Times of J. J Mendel.” Knodel, Zeeb reunion set June 3 The Knodel and Zeeb reunion will be held Sunday, June 3 at Memorial Park in Yankton. Dinner will be pot- luck with coffee provided. Plants for Periodicals underway at library The Friends of the Library silent auction fundraiser, Plants for Periodi- cals, is underway at the Freeman Pub- lic Library through May 12. Proceeds will go toward sustaining and expand- ing the periodical selections.
Freeman firefighters and EMTs work to remove the passenger from the back seat following Sunday’s single-vehicle rollover. The extraction took about 30 minutes, largely because rescue personnel were concerned about spinal in- jury. “We tried to do as much as we could with as little discomfort as possible,” said Freeman Fire Chief Blaine Saarie.
Neither Zeeb nor Saarie knew the condition of the vicitms Monday morning.
efforts. They work well together.” Zeeb said both Bland and Dykstra are new to the Freeman community.
FACC to present Cinderella June 1
Quilts sought for Quiltfest 2012 SMCHA offering scholarships The Swiss Mennonite Cultural and Historical Association is offering a scholarship in the amount of $500 to students who are preparing for the ministry or other full-time Christian service. Scholarships are for the 2012-13 school year. The application deadline is July 1, 2012.
Applicants must have membership in one of the seven Swiss-Volhynian churches in Kansas or in one of the two Swiss-Volhynian churches in South Dakota, or be of Swiss-Volhyn- ian descent. Interested persons may call 316- 283-3815 or Clark Graber, 605-925- 7599, for more information.
Cetera Shoppe and the three banks in Freeman. The featured quilter this year is Phyllis Schrag. There will be dem- onstrations/talks given each day. The raffle quilt was made by June Pull- man, Joy Arhart and Monica Hofer. The Quiltfest committee members are June Pullman, Joy Arhart, Kath- leen Miller, Betty Albrecht, Bonita Tieszen and Jeri Butkus.
Old and new quilts are being sought for Quiltfest 2012, which will be sponsored by the Freeman Acad- emy Auxiliary in Sterling Hall on the FA campus June 29 and 30. Those interested can request forms from the Quiltfest committee at Box S, Freeman, SD 57029 or contact June Pullman, 825-4277. An entry form is printed below, and forms are also available at the Et
Ortman and Co. to perform Saturday
Freeman Academy Auxiliary Quiltfest Entry Form Sterling Hall, Freeman Academy Campus, Freeman, S.D. (One Entry Per Form)
The final concert of the 2011-12 Freeman Academy Studio Subscrip-
tion Series will be held Saturday, May 12 at 7:30 p.m. in Pioneer Hall. Mory Ort- man and Com- pany will present “From Porter to Puccini,” fea- turing Shannon Kessler Dooley, soprano, Martha Bartz, mezzo so- prano, Dr. Mory S. Ortman, tenor/ piano and John Dooley, baritone. Local guest art- ists performing will be Sherilyn Ortman, piano and Jordan Ort- man, saxophone. Dr. Mory S. Ortman, a Free- man native and 1989 graduate of Freeman Acad- emy, works as a free-lance musi- cian in New York City. His work includes accom- panying audi- tions and lessons, coaching and mu-
Check One Bed
Baby Quilt
Martha Bartz
Check Whatever Applies Hand Quilted
Machine Quilted
Hand Appliqué
Machine Appliqué
Name of Quilt
Size: Width
Year Made
Mory Ortman
Made By
sic directing. Ortman also serves on the music faculty of Adelphi University and teaches chamber music, directs the opera workshop and serves as staff coach/accompanist. This concert is included as part of the Studio Subscription Series for ticketholders and admission is also available at the door. All tickets in- clude a dessert reception. For further information contact Amy Hofer Vetch at 925-4237, ext. 240.
John Dooley
Corrections/ clarifications
The Freeman Courier strives to be accurate. Anyone who believes information is in error is encouraged to contact the newspaper by emailing courier@gwtc.net or calling 605-925- 7033.
Additional information will be mailed. Please enclose a s elf- addressed, stamped envelope and the completed form. Mail by June 1 to: Quiltfest, Box S, Freeman, SD 57029
Shannon Dooley
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