User Guide

FlippingBook Publisher 2.1 USER GUIDE




Product Editions


Product Features


Quick Start


Importing Content


Importing of PDF Files


Importing of JPEG, PNG (BMP, TIFF) and SWF Files


Importing Microsoft Office and other Documents


Editing the Project


Editing Pages


Customizing the Look&Feel of the Publication


Editing and Translating Interface Captions


Creating a Table of Contents


Changing Publication Font


Protecting your Publications


Password Protection


Encrypting Page Content


Specifying AllowedWebsites


Parameter Speci!cation


Caption Parameter Speci!cation


System Requirements



Publisher 2.1 is a Windows application, designed to create modern, user- friendly and attractive publications from traditional documents. With the help of Publisher 2.1, you will be able to create online publications for websites, offline publications for CD, DVD and Flash-drives (for Windows and Mac OS), as well as online publications for mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, etc). PDF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF and SWF can be used as source #les. With the Professional and Corporate editions you can import any documents stored on your computer, including your Word, Excel and Powerpoint #les, into your publications. Also Publisher’s Corporate edition supports several integrated methods of protecting your publications from unauthorized access and unwanted copying of content. The new version integrates with popular social networks, supports very large publications (up to several thousand pages), and allows the creation of publications that will be optimized for search engines (SEO) and special publications for the increasingly popular mobile devices.



Product Editions

Several editions of Publisher 2 are available, with varying features and technical support options.

As of today, we offer the following product editions: Basic , Professional and Corporate . The differences between the editions are given in the following table:




6 months

12 months

12 months

Free support & updates

Number of seats



5 and 10


Page Browser

Social Network Integration

Table of Contents

Continuous Zooming

PDF Files Import

Full-Text Search

Search Engine Optimization

Mobile Devices Support

Publish to CD, DVD and USB- Sticks

Built-in FTP Client

Intelligent FTP Upload

Google Analytics Support

Import Documents from Microsoft Office and other applications

Content Protection



Technical Support & Updates Each product edition includes a time-limited subscription to Publisher 2.1 free updates and access to Technical Support. Basic edition includes a subscription for 6 months, and Professional and Corporate – for 12 months. When the subscription expires, you will no longer receive these services. But Publisher 2.1 and all of your publications will continue to work. If necessary, you can renew your subscription for an extra charge. Number of Seats Each product edition is designed for a limited number of users, who can install and use Publisher 2.1 on their computers. Basic is a single-user edition. Professional edition can be used by two users simultaneously. Corporate edition has 5 and 10 seats versions. Each user is able to create unlimited publications with his license.



Product Features

The main features of the product are brie!y described in this section, starting with the Basic edition.

Note: the editions of Publisher 2.1 are designed so that the more expensive and powerful editions of the product include all features of the lower ones.

FEATURES COMMON TO ALL EDITIONS The following features are supported by all editions of Publisher.

Continuous Zooming The high-quality vector SWF-pages, created using Publisher, activate the multi-level zoom function by double-clicking. The zoom works quicker and the new tool is more convenient, compared to the previous version. Users can zoom the desired part of the publication and scroll the page using the mouse wheel. Wide Pages Support Now, you’re able to import double-page spreads quickly and easily. Publisher 2.1 will automatically determine and properly con#gure such pages, and you will no longer have to split and arrange them manually. Social Networks Integration The publications created in Publisher provide the proper means of integration with modern social networks. The publication’s users can upload links to pages in Facebook and Twitter, copy and send links via e-mail, and even embed your publication (a smaller version) into their own sites.



Single-Page View If necessary, you can open your publications in an enlarged single-page view. This will allow users of your publications to proceed immediately to a detailed study of the contents without any additional steps. Automatic Page Flipping The pages of your publication may be %ipped automatically in set time intervals in slideshow mode. This is useful when you need to draw attention to a certain part of the content, or to make your site appear more dynamic. Direct Links to Pages A unique URL is assigned to each page of your publication; it is constantly displayed and updated in the address #eld of your browser. This means that the "Next" and "Back" buttons of a browser will work the same way for your publication as for a regular site, and users will be able to copy links to the pages directly from their browser. Pages Browser You can now work with pages in a way that is customary for you. The browser enables fast and simple adding, deleting and customizing of the pages of your publication. You can select one or more pages, change any settings, and interchange the pages. Table of Contents Publisher can automatically import the table of contents from the bookmarks of PDF #les. Moreover, you can create and edit your own table of contents using the corresponding toolbar in the editor. You can enable the automatic displaying of the table of contents, and users will obtain a convenient way to navigate quickly around your publication. Importing SWF and Image Files Publisher 2.1 allows you to import JPEG (PNG, BMP, TIFF) and SWF #les and embed them into pages of your publication. Thus, you will be able to quickly arrange photo albums and publications with interactive pages created in Adobe Flash C4/CS5.



Importing PDF Files Importing PDF #les is the most powerful feature of the new product editions. Publisher 2.1 not only creates high quality vector pages using your PDF documents, but also extracts additional data from these #les in order to prepare versions that support search, SEO versions and versions for mobile applications. Mobile Devices Support When creating an HTML-publication, Publisher automatically creates all the #les needed to adapt your publication for use on such popular mobile platforms as iPhone, or iPad. Owners of such devices will be able to use your online publications even without installing Flash Player. Full-Text Search The alphanumeric data extracted from a PDF #le are used to enable full-text search in your publication. The unique indexing methods and search algorithms enable quick and easy online searching, even through very large publications, without any server scripts or databases. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) The text data, links and images extracted from a PDF #le are used to create a special text version of the publication, which will be optimized for search engines. All necessary #les will be created automatically. You will not have to perform any additional actions. Each page of your publication can be found and opened directly from the search engines.

FEATURES OF THE PROFESSIONAL AND HIGHER EDITIONS The Professional edition includes the options listed below, as well as all features of the Basic edition described in the previous section.

Import Documents fromMicrosoft Office and other Applications Publisher’s Corporate and Professional editions allow you to import any documents stored on your computer, including your Word, Excel and Powerpoint #les, into your publications. The only requirement: you must have the ability to print out these documents on your computer. In this case, you can send the documents to our special FlippingBook Printer (it is installed automatically) directly from the original document application, for example, from MS Word, and Publisher will automatically convert and import the pages of your document.

Publications for CD, DVD and Flash-Drives



You are not limited to the creation of online publications only. If you need to distribute your publications using CD/DVD or Flash-drives, you can create EXE #les for Windows or APP #les for Mac OS X. Built-In FTP-Client The new edition of Publisher contains a simple and convenient FTP-client; you will be able to upload your publications to the site quickly and make changes on-the-%y directly from the editor. Intelligent FTP Upload The built-in FTP-client monitors the changes in your project and uploads only changed #les to the server. Thus, you will be able to save not only your time, but also the network traffic on your site. Integration with Google Analytics You can monitor the detailed usage statistics for your publication. Integration with Google Analytics allows you to identify the most popular pages, the viewing time, the use of zoom, and many other indicators of the user’s activity.

FEATURES OF THE CORPORATE EDITION The Corporate edition includes the options listed below, as well as all features of the Basic and Professional editions described in the previous sections.

Content Protection Publisher’s Corporate edition supports several integrated methods of protecting your publications from unauthorized access and unwanted copying of content. Using new instruments you will be able to set a password to access your publications, specify a list of websites where your publications can be viewed, and code the content of pages.



Quick Start

This chapter describes how to quickly create a publication from a PDF "le and upload it to your website.

Let’s assume that you have already installed and run your copy of Publisher 2.1.

Importing a PDF File When started, Publisher 2.1 creates a blank project, to which you can add pages by importing #les. In this example you will import a PDF of this user guide. You can download the PDF from here . Please download and save this #le on your Desktop.

Click the “Import” button for importing a PDF #le

Click on the ‘Import’ button in the Publisher 2.1 toolbar to open the saved PDF #le in the Import Wizard.



Converting the Pages Once you have chosen the PDF, the Import Wizard will open. This wizard lets you to choose which pages of the PDF should be imported. You can also adjust the settings for the pages to be displayed.

Start the conversion

For the purposes of this chapter we will import all the pages of the PDF #le and use the standard settings and conversion #le format (SWF). This means you do not need to change any of the settings.

Note: the Trial edition of Publisher allows to import only 10 pages from a PDF #le. All other pages will not be imported.

In order to start the conversion, you need to click on ‘Start’. This will initiate the process of converting individual pages of your PDF into SWF #les, and extracting text and images for the SEO version of the publication. The conversion of PDF pages into SWF pages is a time-consuming process and it can take anything from several seconds to several hours, depending on the complexity of the #le .

Styling the Publication Once the conversion has been done, the imported PDF pages will appear in the Pages Browser located on the right side of the screen, as well as in the Preview window. Now you can preview how these pages will look when published, browse through them and alter the look of your publication.



For the purposes of this chapter we will not make signi#cant changes, but will learn how to give the publication a title and change the interface color from grey to light blue. In order to choose a title, which appears in the upper left corner of the Publication window, you need to edit the ‘Publication Name’ setting which is at the top of the ‘General Settings’ option. Let’s call the publication My First Publication .

Type your publication name

Click and choose a color

To change the color of the publication interface, you need to click on ‘Interface Color’ and then choose any of the available shades of blue. As you can see, this changes the color of all elements of the publication, except your pages.

Pick a shade of blue

Once you have #ne-tuned the appearance of your publication, you can turn to creating the #les to be uploaded to your website.



Publishing the Files To create an HTML version, you need to choose ‘Publish / To HTML’ on the toolbar. This command converts your publication into several #les and directories that can be uploaded to your website.

Click the “Publish” button

Select “To HTML”

Once you have clicked on ‘Publish/ To HTML’, the ‘Publish to HTML’ wizard appears, allowing you to choose the publication settings. For the purposes of this chapter, you do not need to change these settings, just click on ‘Browse’ and choose a directory to save the publication in. To simplify things, we suggest saving the publication straight to your Desktop.

Start publishing the #les

To create the publication #les, you need to click on 'Start’. Once you have created the #les, you may open the directory containing your publication using Windows Explorer, or a browser.

Now you need to upload the publication to your website with the help of an FTP client.



Uploading the Publication to Your Website A publication created in Publisher 2.1 comprises directories, HTML pages, and SWF, JavaScript, and XML #les. To put the publication at your website, you need to upload all these #les and directories to your web server using the FTP client.

Note: the professional edition of Publisher 2.1 includes the built-in FTP client that dramatically simpli#es uploading and updating your publications. However, as this chapter is intended for users of all editions, here we will use a free external FTP client — FileZilla .

Download and install FileZilla for uploading the #les. In the Quickconnect bar of FileZilla type in the address of your FTP server, your login and password. Then click on ‘Quick Connect’ to connect to the server.

Connect to your FTP server

Server name

User name


Navigate to the publication folder

Drag & drop the #les to the right panel

Once the FTP connection has been established, you need to go to the root directory of the website and create a number of directories inside it to store your publications. You can choose any name for the directories. You might want to store your entire publication in the directory ‘books’, which can in turn contain separate directories for each separate publication, for instance, ‘book1’, ‘book2’, etc. In the left-hand pane of FileZilla, open the directory containing the publication, which you saved to the Desktop, and drag the contents over to the directory ‘books/book1’, shown in the right-hand



pane of FileZilla. This uploads the publication #les to your website. Once the upload has #nished, you may close FileZilla.

Browsing the Publication on Your Website The link to your online publication varies according to which directory you have uploaded them. If you uploaded the #les to the directory ‘books/book1’ on your website, then the link is as follows: .

Now, you can place links to this page on other pages of your website.



Importing Content

Publisher 2.1 creates the pages of your publications by importing external "les. The current product version supports the import of PDF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF and SWF "les. You can sequentially import multiple PDF #les into one publication. You can also import pages from JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF and SWF #les. New pages will be added to the end of the publication after the existing ones. If you need to replace the existing pages, you have to delete the old pages in the browser manually. In order to import external #les, you should initiate the importing procedure in one of the following ways:

• Click on the "Import" button on the toolbar at the top of the window

• Press Ctrl + I on your keyboard

• Click the "+" button in the browser

• Select "Import > Import PDF #les or images" in the menu

• Press the right mouse button over the list of pages in the browser and select "Add Pages" in the po-up menu All of these importing methods are exactly the same, and you can use the most suitable one in every given situation

Note: PDF files can be imported only one by one. That means you cannot select multiple PDF files to be imported at once. Also, you can not simultaneously

Importing PDF Files

To import a PDF #le, you should initiate the import procedure using one of the methods described in the previous section, and then select the desired PDF #le in the dialog box. After that, you will see the "Import" window shown on the Figure.



In this window you can select the pages to be imported, as well as select and adjust the conversion format for the pages.

Select pages to be imported

Adjust the conversion format

Preview the pages

Start the conversion

Flash Player cannot display documents in PDF format directly, so we need to convert your PDF #les into one of the formats supported by Flash Player. The conversion format (SWF, JPEG or PNG) determines the type of #les that will be created during the conversion of pages from your PDF #le. The recommended conversion format is SWF. Such pages contain high-quality vector text, and are the most suitable for viewing online. The only shortcoming of this format is that it is more resource- intensive from the point of view of the users of your publications. If you create publications for low- performance computers, it would be sensible to consider the using JPEG or PNG. To initiate the conversion process, click the "Start" button in the lower right corner. Conversion of PDF #les to SWF format is a long process, and for large documents it may take up to several hours. Conversion to JPEG and PNG formats is signi#cantly faster.

The conversion progress bar

During the conversion process, Publisher 2.1 not only creates the #les for your pages, but also extracts the links, table of contents, alphanumeric data and images, in order to enable the full-text search and optimize your publication for search engines.



Importing JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF and SWF Files

In order to import JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF and SWF #les, you should initiate the importing procedure using one of the methods described in the previous section, and then select one or several #les in the dialog box. After that, you will see the "Import" window shown in the Figure.

Add or remove #les from the list

The #les to be imported

The target size for your images

Preview the images

Start the conversion

In this window, you can delete or add new #les to be imported, and con#gure the quality of images and the size of pages. The order of pages of the publication can be de#ned immediately in the #le list of this window or in the browser after the import. The source PNG, BMP, TIFF and JPEG #les are converted to JPEG format taking into account the previously set quality and size settings. SWF #les are not converted (such pages stay in the original SWF format). This allows you to embed interactive pages created in Adobe Flash into your publication. Publisher 2.1 supports ActionScript 3.0 SWF #les. To initiate the conversion process, click the "Start" button. The conversion of JPEG, BMP, TIFF and PNG #les is a rather quick process, but the conversion of SWF #les requires more time. Please note that in order to import SWF #les, you should have Flash Player integrated into your Microsoft Internet Explorer browser. During the import of images, and SWF pages, there will be no extraction of alphanumeric data, and even if your SWF #les contain text, it will not be available for the full-text search.



Importing Microsoft Office and other Documents

Publisher’s Professional and Corporate editions allow you to import any documents stored on your computer, including your Word, Excel and Powerpoint #les, into your publications. The only requirement: you must have the ability to print out these documents on your computer. In this case, you can send the documents to our special FlippingBook Printer (it is installed automatically)

directly from the original document application, for example, from MS Word, and Publisher will automatically convert and import the pages of your document. Besides, you will be able to import such documents directly from the Publisher, using the option "Import / Import Any File." When this option is used, Publisher #rst copies the selected #les to your project, and then converts them into PDF format by printing on our virtual

Print with FlippingBook Printer

Or import right from Publisher

printer, and only after that shows the customary window of PDF document import.

Note: This version does not support links and other interactive elements in initial documents



Editing the Project

Publisher 2.1 allows you to edit various elements of your publications.

With Publisher 2.1 you can:

• Import and customize pages

• Change the design and behavior of the publication

• Edit the captioning data of the user interface and translate them into other languages

• Create a table of contents for your publications

Editing Pages

Publisher 2.1 allows you to create pages, importing them from external #les (PDF, SWF, JPEG, BMP, TIFF), as well as to delete and swap pages. In addition, you can customize the design of individual pages in the Pages Manager (see Figure) .

Resize the thumbnails in the list below

Add and remove pages

View, select and edit any pages

The selection

Edit properties of the selected pages



Adding Pages In order to add pages to a publication, click the "+" button in this toolbar, or the "Import" button in the toolbar at the top of the window. You can also press the right mouse button over the list of pages and select "Add Pages" in the pop-up menu. All of these importing methods are exactly the same and open the same "Import" window.

Right click the list to add pages

Click to add pages

After the import, all pages are added to the general list, where you can select, delete and con#gure them using the Settings menu, located under the list of pages. The Page Manager allows you to resize the pages displayed in this panel using the slider at the top of the panel.

Removing Pages In order to delete one or more pages, you need to choose those pages in the list and click the "-" button at the top of the browser, or the "Del" button on your keyboard. In addition, you can click the right mouse button over the list of pages and click "Delete selected" in the pop-up menu.

Right click the list to remove pages

Click to remove pages

Note: during the import of documents, Publisher 2.1 does not replace the old pages with the new ones, but only adds them in the project. If you need to replace the existing pages, you have to manually delete the old pages before or after the addition of new

Changing the Order of Pages To change the order of pages, you should select one or more pages from the list and drag them to a new location (see Figure). The links imported from a PDF #le will not be affected. Please note that if you have created or imported the table of contents from a PDF #le, then changing of the order of pages will lead to the need to change the page numbers in the "Table of Contents" panel.

The target location for your pages

The pages you’re dragging now



Customizing the Look & Feel of Pages You can change certain settings of the pages of your publication using the Settings panel under the list of pages (settingsee Figure). This panel allows you to change the settings of the currently selected pages.

Edit settings of the selected pages

The following settings can be changed:

Parameter Description

This option determines the background color that is viewable during the loading of the page's picture. Also, this color is viewable through the transparent areas of the SWF pages

Background Color

Background Sound

An MP3 !le for playing in background while viewing the page

Content Scaling

This option is useful for pages that were created from JPEG, TIFF, BMP and PNG !les. It allows changing the type of image scaling within the page. Two methods of scaling are available: !t the page without cropping and !t the page subject to a cutoff of those parts of images that exceed the border of the page

Enable Page Sound

Enables the background sound for the page

Page Number Caption

This option determines the text name of your page to be displayed in the numeration block of the upper panel of the publication's window. By default, it is just the number of the page

Page URL Caption

This option determines the text name of this page to be displayed in the address !eld of the web browser. By default, this is just the number of the page. This name will be included in the direct links to the pages of your publication

Shadow Depth

This option speci!es the center shadow opacity for the page.

Slideshow Delay

This option speci!es the page display duration (in seconds) in slideshow mode.



Viewing the SEOVersion of a Page You can check how the selected page will be presented to the search engines. To do this, click the right mouse button over a speci#c page in the Page Manager and select "View the SEO version". To create a SEO version of a page, Publisher 2.1 extracts text and images from a PDF #le and creates an HTML version of each page. Adjusting the Entire Publication Size to a Page You can adjust the proportions of all pages of the publication or the proportions of a speci#c page. Click the right mouse button on this page and select "Resize the publication" in the pop-up menu .

Custom Page Numbering Publisher allows the insertion of any numbers for all the pages. The only limitation is that different pages should not have the same numbers. Any (including textual) numbers of pages can be set in the panel of page settings under the browser of pages with the help of the parameter Page Number Caption. The speci#ed text or number will be displayed not only in the panel of the publication window numbering but also in the URL of the current page.

The URL updates automatically depending on the current page number

If you need to automatically adjust the number of pages to any value (for example, if your publication starts from page 5), you can use either the parameter Publication Settings / First Page Number or the item Set as First Page in the right click menu of the page in pages browser.

Whereupon the pages before this new page 1 will be automatically numbered with Roman numerals (which can be changed using the parameter Page Number Caption).



Customizing the Look&Feel of the Publication The design and behavior of publications are determined in the Settings panel. You can change individual settings manually, or many settings at once by selecting another publication skins at the top of the panel. The publication skins contain all necessary parameters and represent a convenient tool for a global change of the design and behavior of your project. The publication skin can be built-in (they are available from the drop-down list) and custom (they can be stored and uploaded by you from the drop-down menu in the list of prede#ned skins).

Choose a publication skin

Edit settings in the expanded panel

Click the header to collapse or expand

The parameters of the design and behavior of the publication are grouped into several expanding panels:

Parameter Groups Description

This group contains parameters that are used most often by the developers of publications

Main Settings

Publication Components

This group contains parameters that enable or disable individual elements of the publication. For example, you can disable the print or save functions in your publication

Publication Settings

This group contains parameters that govern the behavior of the publication; they are used much less frequently than the parameters listed on the Main Settings panel

Style Settings

This group contains parameters that govern the appearance of the user interface of your publication. For example, this may include the color of icons or the color of labels on the buttons

Page Flipping Settings

This group contains parameters that govern the #ipping effect. You can increase or decrease the #ipping rate, enable "hardcover" and so on



Parameter Groups Description

This group contains parameters that govern the appearance of the pre- loader of the publications. Here you can input the text that will be shown during the loading of your publication, as well as adjust the appearance of the text

Preloader Settings


This group contains parameters that govern the sound effects in the publication. You can set any #ipping and background sound, as well as enable and disable the sound effects

For more information, refer to the Parameter Speci#cation section.

Open the “Text Captions” tab

Editing and Translating Interface Captions You can edit and translate the captioning data of the user interface in your publication using the tools on the Text Captions panel. The changed settings are saved along with the entire project, but can also be stored separately in the language template (.p2lt #le). The language templates allow you to upload the edited captions quickly into other projects. To save or load a language template, use the drop-down menu with a list of templates. Later, we will add built-in translations of the text captions into other languages in the form of built-in templates.

Choose a language template

Edit captions in the expanded panel

Click the header to collapse or expand

Parameters of the text captions are grouped by implication into several drop-down panels, and each of them relates to a particular element of the user interface:

Caption Groups Description

In this group you can edit the text captions of the social functions ("send to a friend", "Embed", etc.)



In this group you can edit the text captions of the Save window



Caption Groups Description

In this group you can edit the text captions of the Alert window (full screen mode error, etc.)

Alert Window

Print Window

In this group you can edit the text captions of the Print window

Navigation Panel

In this group you can edit the text captions of the buttons of the navigation panel in the bottom menu. These are the "Next", "Previous", "Pause", "Stop", and other buttons

Top Bar

In this group you can edit the text captions of the top bar of the publication. This is an label on the copyright button and the caption with the number of the current page


In this group you can edit the tool tips for all buttons of the bottom menu, except for the navigation panel, which is to be con!gured in a separate group


In this group you can edit the text captions of the window with the user's bookmarks


In this group you can edit the text captions of the Search window


In this group you can edit the text captions of the Thumbnails window


In this group, you can edit the text captions of the window with the table of contents. Here you can edit only the header text and text captions on the "Maximize" and "Minimize" buttons. The Table of contents itself is to be edited in the corresponding panel

Zoom Bar

In this group you can edit the text tooltips of the zoom bar controls.


In this group you can edit the text captions of the password protection window.

Right Click Menu

In this group you can edit the text captions of Flash Player’s right click menu items.

All settings and contents of your publication are stored in the project #le. This #le has the ". f2bp " #lename extension. To save the project #le, select File > Save in the main menu.



Note: Publisher 2.1 does not support projects created in Publisher 1.0, because the 2.1 version uses a fundamentally new approach to setting up the publication, and there is no possibility to transfer old settings without signi#cant losses.

The project #le contains all pages, parameters, and captions from the Text Captions panel of your publication, as well as the structure of content (if available). Some of these elements (e.g. settings) can be stored separately in a con#guration #le; you will be able to use them in any other project.

Creating a Table of Contents There are two options for creating a Table of Contents in FlippingBook Publisher. You can either create it manually in the Table of Contents bookmark or import from a PDF #le. Besides, it is possible to save the Table of Contents to a separate #le and load it to other projects.

ToC structure imported from PDF bookmarks

Working with Table of Contents Working with the Table of Contents is easy and convenient. By clicking an element in the ToC, you go to the target page. By clicking a group of elements in the ToC, this group is opened and you go to the target page of the group. You can also open and close groups of elements by clicking an arrow. You can display the side window by default using the "Side Window" parameter in the Main Settings section.

Table of contents in a publication



Page Numbers in the Table of Contents When you set page numbers in the Table of Contents, make sure pages with the numbers you use exist. If page numbers are changed after the ToC has been created (for example, because of importing new pages) you should change them manually. Page numbers are not updated automatically. The #rst page's number is "1", you should set further page numbers respectively. Therefore, if you use your own page numbers such as a "cover" for the front page, it will still be the page number "1" in the ToC. To simplify the process, we recommend using Right mouse click on a page and selecting "Add to Table of Contents".

Type a page number manually

Or add the page to your ToC from the pages browser

Creating a Table of Contents Manually You can create a Table of Contents after you have imported a PDF #le or image format pages to your project. It is impossible to create a ToC if there are no pages in the publication. There are various instruments for creating a Table of Contents manually.

Add and remove items or folders

You can drag ToC items

You can #nd them in the header of the ToC bookmark panel. The instruments include adding a simple element, adding a group of elements, deleting an element, deleting the ToC. You can also add pages to the ToC by clicking the right mouse button on a page in the pages browser and choosing the "Add to Table of Contents" option.



Saving and Loading a Table of Contents You can save your Table of Contents by clicking the option "Save Table of Contents As... " in the dropdown menu in the top right corner of the Table of Contents bookmark. Choosing the option "Load Table of Contents" allows you to load one to your project.

Save or load a ToC #le

Changing Publication Font By default, the Publisher uses the font, which stylistically matches the user interface of publications and contains the main European characters. If you have to use another font for some reason (for example, you want to translate the interface of your publication into Chinese), you will be able to use the parameter Main Settings / Publication Font.

Disable the embedded font

Choose a font

This option allows you to refuse to use the integrated font and use any font installed on your computer. The selected font is not integrated into the publication (thus reducing the size of downloaded #les), but is downloaded from the user’s #les when he opens your publication. Therefore, be careful with the font selection as all of your users must have it installed.



Protecting your Publications

Publisher’s Corporate edition supports several integrated methods of protecting your publications from unauthorized access and unwanted copying of content. Using new instruments you will be able to set a password to access your publications, specify a list of websites where your publications can be viewed, and code the content of pages.

The current state of your publication’s protection is seen directly on the settings panel. Each enabled protection option (password, content coding and a list of website domain names) has a green indicator. If the option is disabled, its indicator is grey. None of these parameters are mandatory and they can be used in any combination.

Enable protection options



Password Protection You can protect your publication with a password. The user should enter a password in the pop-up window to see the publication.

The password is requires for viewing the publication

To enable this option, open a dropdown menu of the publication parameter Publication Security and select the item Password Protection.

Specify a password

At present, protection with the password works both for online and offline publications in Windows / Mac OS X, and also for mobile devices.



Encrypting Page Content The pages of your online and offline publications are SWF #les, which can be downloaded from a server (or copied from the browser cache) and seen directly with the help of the Standalone Flash Player.

To prevent this situation, we recommend using the option of coding of the Corporate edition content. For this, please open the dropdown menu of the parameter

Con#gure content protection

Publication Security and select the item Content Protection.

When the content coding is enabled, each page is coded in a unique way and turns into a chaotic set of data without a special key. This #le cannot be viewed outside your publication.

Enable content protection

At present, coding of the content of pages only works for online publications and offline (EXE / APP) publications for Windows / Mac OS X. Content for mobile devices is not coded.

Specifying AllowedWebsites You can restrict the viewing of your publication by any set of websites by indicating their domain names in the parameter Publication Security / Allowed Domains. In this case, if your publication is viewed on any other site, an access error will be shown instead of the pages and application interface.

To specify the list of allowed websites for this publication, please open the dropdown menu of the parameter Publication Security and select the item Allowed Domains. At present, this protection option only works for online publications and offline (EXE / APP) publications for Windows / Mac OS X. Content for mobile devices is not yet protected by a list of allowed websites.

Type a website domain name



Parameter Speci!cation

This section describes the options on the Settings panel that govern the design and behavior of the publication.

Main Settings

This group contains parameters that are used most often by the developers of publications.

Parameter Description / Main Settings

The text in the caption bar in the upper left corner of the window

Publication Name

Skin Color

Allows changing the base color of the windows, toolbars and buttons

Outer Background

The background image to be displayed outside the publication’s window

Inner Background

The background image to be displayed inside the publication’s window, under the book

Right to Left

Enables the right-to-left reading mode

Book Size

Determines the book size in relation to the publication's window

Window Size

Determines the book size in relation to the viewing area

Publication Security

Allows enabling various content and publication protection options.

Flip Corner

Enables the automated #ipping of the corner of the page

Top Bar

Enables the caption bar at the top of the window.


Enables the bottom menu

Single Page View

Automatically enables the single page view of the publication



Parameter Description / Main Settings

Automatically displays one of the side windows (optionally)


Font Settings

Allows to choose between embedded and device fonts in the publication.

Files to Download

The list of !les that can be downloaded from the publication

Publication Components

This group contains parameters that allow enabling or disabling individual elements of the publication. These parameters allow removing the elements of the user interface that are assigned to speci#c functions. For example, you can hide the Save button and the user will not be able to save the pages of your publication.

Parameter Description / Publication Components

Displays the Bookmarks button in the bottom menu


Bottom Navigation

Displays the navigation buttons in the bottom menu

Copyright Button

Displays the Copyright button on the top panel


Displays the Download button in the bottom menu


Displays the Full Screen button in the bottom menu

Navigation Stripes

Displays the navigation stripes on the edges of the book


Displays the pagination on the top panel


Displays the Print button in the bottom menu


Displays the search !eld on the top panel


Displays the Share button in the bottom menu

Show Zoom Bar

Makes the zoom bar visible


Displays the Slideshow play / pause buttons in the bottom menu


Displays the sound control button in the bottom menu



Parameter Description / Publication Components

Displays the Table of Contents button in the bottom menu

Table of Contents


Displays the Thumbnails button

Zoom Button

Displays the Zoom Button in the bottom menu

Publication Settings

This group contains parameters that govern the behavior of the publication; they are used much less frequently than the parameters listed on the Main Settings panel.

Parameter Description / Publication Settings

Copyright Button Target

De!nes the _target attribute for the “Copyright Button” link

Copyright Button Text

Caption of the Copyright Button on the top panel

Copyright Button URL

URL of the Copyright Button on the top panel

CustomTotal Pages

Speci!es the total pages number text in the pagination block.

Drop Shadow

Enables the publication drop shadow

Exact Match Search

Displays only exact matches in the search results

First Page Number

Starts page numbering from this page.

Flip Corner

Enables the automated #ipping of the corner of the page

Google Analytics UA Number

UA number of your web resource within the Google Analytics system

Highlight Links

Enables the links rollover effect

Loop Slideshow

Loops the page #ipping slideshow

MouseWheel Zooming

Enables the mouse wheel zooming of the publication



Parameter Description / Publication Settings

De!nes the _target attribute for the links within the publication.

Page Link Target

Remember Me Option

Check this option if you want publication users to have a possibility to stay logged in

Restore Session

The publication will be opened on the last visited page

Search Characters Limit

Speci!es the minimum length of the text search query.

SideWindow Position

Determines the position of the side windows (to the left or to the right of the window)


De!nes the width of the side windows (in pixels)

Zoom by Mouse

Allows to choose between the different zooming types (single click or double click zooming).

Zoom Dragging

Enables zoomed page dragging

Zoom PageWidth

De!nes the maximum width of the enlarged page (in pixels)

Zoom to Fit

The enlarged pages are scaled to !t the window. This option should be turned off if you need a higher zoom.

Style Settings

This group includes the customization parameters for the design of the publication (the background color, icons, text captions, etc.).

Parameter Description / Style Settings

Color of the text captions of the buttons

Button Text Color

Button Text Shadow Color

Shadow color of the text captions of the buttons

Header Text Color

Text color of all window headers in the publication

Header Text Shadow Color

Text shadow color of all window headers in the publication

Icon Color

Color for the user interface icons



Parameter Description / Style Settings

Shadow color for the user interface icons

Icon Shadow Color

Inner Background

The background image to be displayed inside the publication’s window, under the book.

Inner Background Placement

Placement of the inner background image

Link Rollover Blending

Speci!es the blending mode for link rollovers. Use “Normal” for dark pages

Link Rollover Color

Speci!es the link rollover hotspot area color.

Link Rollover Opacity

Speci!es the link rollover opacity

Navigation Stripes Arrows Color

Speci!es the color of navigation stripes arrows

Outer Background

The background image to be displayed outside the publication’s window

Outer Background Color

The background color that appears behind the outer background image.

Outer Background Placement

Placement of the outer background image

Page Selection Color

Speci!es the page selection frame color in the Thumbnails window.

Scale Corners

Enables the corner radius scaling

Search Highlight Color

Color, which will be used to highlight the words found on the pages of the publication

Skin Color

Allows changing the base color of the windows, toolbars and buttons

Subheader Text Color

Text color of all window subheaders in the publication

Subheader Text Shadow Color

Text shadow color of all window subheaders in the publication

Text Color

Color of the common text

Text Shadow Color

Shadow color of the common text



Page Flipping Settings

This group contains parameters that govern the %ipping effect.

Parameter Description / Page Flipping Settings

Determines the corner of the page to be automatically #ipped

Flip Corner Position

Flip on Edge Click

Determines whether the book is #ipped by clicking the page edge area

Hard Flipping Speed

Determines the page #ipping speed for hard (hardcover) pages

Hard Page 3D Effect

Determines the intensity of the 3D effect during the #ipping of the rigid pages

Hard Page 3D Lightning

Determines the intensity of the 3D lightning during the #ipping of the rigid pages


Enables the hard page #ipping effect for the book covers

Hardcover Thickness

The thickness of the hardcover 3D edge

Manual Dragging

Enables manual pages dragging using the mouse

Page Flipping Speed

Determines the page #ipping speed for soft pages

Page Thickness

Speci!es the thickness of soft pages. Set to 0 if you don’t need the book thickness effect.

Show Hand Cursor

Determines the appearance of the mouse pointer for the various areas of the page (possible values: Finger over the book , Finger over the edge , Finger over the page , Standard )

Zoomed Page Transition

De!nes the page transition style when zoomed in.

Preloader Settings

This group includes parameters that govern the appearance of the preloader for your publication.

Parameter Description / Preloader Settings

A caption under the main preloader

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