Strategic Matter- Spring 2012 V1
Common Response #1: No vendor can possibly service all our o ces. Answer: false. While this may have been true 10 years ago, it is not true today and most certainly will not be true in the future. Any legitimate national vendor will be able to service all of a firm's offices either through direct channels or through some type of network of regional dealers or a liations. Ricoh/IKON, Staples or Iron Mountain, for example, have direct, national reach to service all domestic regions; or, on the other hand, consider vendors such as Canon and Xerox for copiers, or NRC—National Records Center—for o site records storage all of whom have full stables of local and regional providers and a liates. ere are pros and cons for both situations, but it is su ciently clear that there are national providers for every area of operation. Servicing your o ces is not the problem. Common Response #2: All of our o ces are so di erent. Answer: true. However, that is true with every rm nationally and internationally. at being the case, it is also true that if the scope of services, performance standards, service levels requirements, and request for proposals are dra ed correctly and the subsequent contract incorporates these di erences, individual anomalies can easily be addressed. Common Response #3: We like to give our local o ces the
decision making authority in this area or we don't like to dictate decisions from the home o ce. Dictate - to prescribe or lay down authoritatively or peremptorily; command unconditionally; to dictate peace terms to a conquered enemy. Answer: not applicable. Autonomy is important as well as respecting the valuable input of the attorneys and sta in your o ces. But, consistency is king. You don't let your satellite o ces determine what word processing so ware to use, though you may listen to the input of your professionals when making a choice between two platforms. I argue this principle ought to be extended to the selection of your services vendors, whether that is for o site records, duplication equip- ment, o ce supplies or outsourcing. If the service is superior, the rm is able to reduce costs by, say, 30%, improve contract terms or, say, reduce permanent withdrawal fees all the while gaining exibility and better pricing, the term ‘dictate’ simply does not apply. Common Response #4: National contracts don't save you money. Answer: false. e only people saying this are the local vendors your rm is currently using or the people who don't want to do the work. In the last twelve months, Mattern & Associates has negotiated national contracts for outsourcing, o site records, o ce supplies and multi-functional equipment. e
average 1st year savings that our clients have enjoyed has been 23%, and there is not one national contract that did not result in savings and improved contract terms. Not one. Common Response #5: We have long-term local vendors and we don't want to disrupt the relationship. Answer: not applicable. Loyalty is important. Many of our clients are extremely loyal to their vendors, and I truly appreciate that. But don’t con ate productive loyalty with blind loyalty. In some situations, your local vendor may be able to service you at a national level through their regional a liations or vendor network. Depending upon the type of situation, your rm’s initiative may be the opportunity that this particular vendor is looking for to expand nationally or into some other geographic region. Alternatively, if the vendor isn't able to service you, then they may be able to recommend vendors who can. Ultimately, however, if the vendor is also recipro- cally loyal and has your firm's best interests at heart, the dialogue will be constructive to all parties. ere’s just no question that consistency is king when it comes to rm wide contracts. National contracts do work and will bring savings to the table at a time when rms are still focusing on expenses reduction. Not to look at this area based upon the reasons outlined above is leaving signi cant savings on the table.
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