Bobmardier Report (DE)
regional details
The Forecast is grouped into three geographic regions: North America, Europe and the Rest of the World. Orders from each region are driven by the previously mentioned economic and market drivers.
The North American Market (United States and Canada)
Business aviation started in North America in the 1960s. The region has always been the most important in terms of business jet sales. The North American business jet installed base was 9,400 aircraft at the end of 2008, or approximately 70% of the worldwide business jet installed base. The well developed infrastructure in North America can accommodate a continuously renewing demand of business aircraft. Business aviation also has strong roots in North America, from manufacturing to servicing and maintenance. In 2008, approximately 75% of business jets delivered were assembled in North America.
The recession that began in the U.S. in December 2007 has signifcantly affected demand. The business jet market slowdown started in early 2008. Other regions followed the downward spiral as of the fourth quarter of 2008. The negative press associated with business jet usage among U.S. corporations has also contributed to the record pre- owned inventory levels and the unusual number of cancellations.
The U.S. is expected to be among the frst of the major
economies to recover from the recession, with positive economic growth expected to return in late 2009. The expected recovery will be fueled by signifcant fscal and monetary stimulus measures by the U.S. Government and increasing customer confdence. This should positively impact wealth creation.
Bombardier Business Aircraft Market Forecast 2009 - 2018
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