8x8 Seller Action Plan
The objective is to connect with them on the phone after we have sent them the Direct Mail postcard offering them Market Snapshot. If they tell you when the best time to call is make sure you call during that time frame. (Note: Ideal call back times are M-F 9-10am Wed/Thurs 4-8, Sat 10-12pm)
We’ve reached our objective and we’re on the phone with a prospect. Our next focus is to address our second objective: 1. Determine if they’re a Standard Seller, Short Sale Seller, For Sale By Owner or if they are in the wrong category and are a Buyer. 2. Determine is the they are a Five-Star Prospect. Remember, a Five-Star Prospect is someone who’s: a. Willing to engage in a dialogue.
b. Friendly and cooperative when we talk with them. c. Knows what they want and are they realistic about it! d. Are they ready to sell in the next six months.
3. Determine the next step.
a. Did they get the Market Snapshot postcard? b. Did they go to website and sign up for it? c. If yes, have they had a chance to review it? Do they have any questions? d. If no, would they like us to sign them up for one?
4. Would they like us to help them? If they’re looking to sell now, when would be a good time to get together in person? If they’re not ready to sell right now, would they like you to stay in touch with your 33 touch, market snapshot, Action Plan, etc. Any result in this connection process is a good result. The very best thing you can do is stay in consultant mode. Neutral. You’re not trying to convince them to sell now. You’re trying through questions and conversation to discover what their timeline is.
Be sure to check previous notes in top producer to be sure you are aware of what happened in the previous 4 touches
1. Did we have the physical address to send the Letter of Introduction?
2. Did you make contact in the first call? What was discussed?
3. Did we have an email address to send the Video email to?
4. Did we have a physical address to send the Direct Mail postcard to?
Make sure you know so you don’t mention something they didn’t get or mention the mail if it was an email and you also want to try and get any contact information we are missing.
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